The Libraries Makerspace crowdfunding campaign more than triples its goal

The Libraries' Makerspace crowdfunding campaign more than tripled its goal

The Libraries' Makerspace crowdfunding campaign more than tripled its goal

Our 3D printers are blushing!

The Libraries Makerspace led the university-wide, fall 2023 crowdfunding campaign with 37 donations totaling $16,135—more than triple the original goal of $5,000. The Libraries will use all funds raised during the campaign to support Makerspace operations by purchasing supplies and performing maintenance.

"Thank you all for supporting the Makerspace crowdfunding campaign!” says Tim Edelen, Associate Director of Development at the Libraries. “As a result of your support, the Libraries will be able to meet the needs of all students who use the space to learn, discover and grow."

This support is crucial because Makerspace usage has more than doubled in a year, from under 9,000 visits in the 2021-22 academic year to over 20,000 visits in 2022-23—a 153% increase. Students and faculty keep the space bustling for their projects, programs and courses. The Libraries gives students a competitive edge by providing hands-on access to, and training in, these maker technologies including 3D printers, scanners, electronics prototyping kits, sewing machines, laser cutters and many other tools. 

The Libraries thanks donors for their generous support of the Makerspace—and of NC State students!